8 September 24
P. Roy Verzosa
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8 September-24 | WHERE ARE WE IN GOD'S PLAN?
1 September 24
Exercising Radical Hospitality
P. Ferdie Umali
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25 August 24
Exercising Radical Service
Worship with P. Therren
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25 August-24 | Exercising Radical Service
- We are always servants indebted to God; He is never our servant indebted to us. V.7
- We should never think God ought to bless us for all that we’ve done for Him, nay, rather we ought to be thankful that we can be His servants, and that He accepts any of our services for Christ’s sake. V.8
- We never even do or can do the things commanded to us as perfectly as our Holy God requires. Our best works are damnable in themselves apart from Christ, for without Him we can do nothing pleasing or acceptable to God. V.9
- We must do our duty, yet never take pride in or think to merit a reward for doing so. All blessings come not of works but of grace, not because of us but for Christ’ sake alone. V.10
- We are unprofitable servants because we add nothing to God but rather fall short of His glory in all that we do.
- Let us always remember and think of ourselves as unprofitable servants, and beware of the pride that follows obedience and good works.
- We should never think we deserve any good from God but remember that all good from God comes of His free grace, and that He but blesses His own work in us for His own glory in doing us good.
18 August 24
Sermon Series Break
Worship with P. Roy Verzosa
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- A L_______________ Thought
- A L________________ Act
- A L_________________ Result
The 3 Hard Facts of Sin:
- Every sin starts with the _______.
- Every sin involves a ___________.
- Every sin has a _______________.
I. The DANGERS of C_________________ SIN
- Sin Affects the _________
- Sin Affects the _________
- Sin Affects the _________
II. THE DYNAMICS OF C_______________ SIN
- Sin is a ___________ Matter
- Sin is an __________ Matter
- Sin is a ___________ Matter
- Sin is like D_______
- Sin is like a D______
- Sin is like D_______
Sooner or later, whether we like it or not, the easy way or the hard way, all of us will have to learn that taking sin seriously is not optional for us believers. It never has been; and it never will be.
11 August 24
Exercising Radical Humility
Worship at Forster Park with P. Ferdie Umali
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11 August-24 | Exercising Radical Humility
- Joseph – giving credit to God (Gen 41:15-16)
- Paul – boasting in the cross of Christ (Gal 6:14)
- Jesus Christ – obedient to “death on a cross” (Phil 2:8)
- Submission (Matt 16:24)
- Servanthood (Mark 10:42-45)
- Selflessness (Phil 2:3-4)
04 August 24
EXERCISING RADICAL GRACE (Story of the Three Prodigals)
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
I. REBELLION of the Younger Son (vv.11-16)
- REQUEST: “Give me” (v.12)
- REALITY: “squandered his wealth in wild living” (v.13)
- RESULT: “he began to be in need” (v.14)
II. REPENTANCE of the Prodigal Son (vv.17-20a)
- REALIZATION: “When he came to his senses” (v.17)
- RESOLUTION: “I will set out and go back… I have sinned… I am no longer worthy” (vv.18-19)
- RETURN: “So he got up and went to his father” (v.20a)
III. RESPONSE of the Father (vv.20b-24)
- RECEPTION: “he ran to his son…” (v.20b)
- RESTORATION: “bring the best robe… put a ring… and sandals” (v.22)
- REJOICING: “let’s have a feast… so they began to celebrate” (vv.23-24)
IV. REACTION of the Older Sibling (The Other Prodigal) (vv.25-30)
- RESENTMENT: “became angry and refused to go in… been slaving for
V. REPLY of the Father (vv.31-32)
- REASSURANCE: “my son, you are always with me” (v.31a)
- RICHNESS: “everything I have is yours” (v.31b)
- RECONCILIATION: “this brother of yours” (v.32)
28 July 24
P. Therren Shelton-Szmidt
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21 July 24
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
14 July 24
P. Narry Santos
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Sunday Text
7 July 24
Exercising Radical Non-Judgment
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
7 July-24 | Exercising Radical Non-Judgment
30 June 24
Exercising Radical Discipleship
P.Jonathan Bernardo
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30 June-24 | Exercising Radical Discipleship
23 June 24
Jesus’ Way: Gracious Love
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
23 June-24 | Jesus' Way: Gracious Love
16 June 24
A Father’s Day Message
P. Therren Shelton-Szmidt
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16 June-24 | A Father's Day Message
9 June 24
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
2 June 24
P. Jonathan Bernardo
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Sunday Text
19 May 24
Worshiping our Just Lord & Righteous King
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
19 May-24 |Worshiping our Just Lord & Righteous King
12 May 24
Thanking Moms For Their Ministry To Us
P. Narry Santos
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Sunday Text
12 May-24 |Thanking Moms For Their Ministry To Us
5 May 24
Worshiping our Wise & Powerful God
P. Ferdie Umali
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5 May-24 |Worshiping our Wise & Powerful God
Bible Text:
Revelation 7:9-12
Sermon Summary:
As we celebrate our 5th church anniversary, we will be continuing our sermon series on selected passages of Revelation that contain “doxologies.” A significant number of guests will be joining us in worship and service. We solicit everyone’s support and prayers as we worship together. Every Sunday service is special because of who God is and for what we expect to receive. Let our celebration be unique. May He alone be glorified as we offer our time, talents, and treasures joyfully and sacrificially.
In our text that entails a future event, we will recollect some principles of worship that we all can easily grasp that everyone can join and together give our praise of God and be blessed in the celebration experience in this special Sunday Worship Service.
1. DESTINY (Place): Heaven – “after this I looked” (v.7a)
2. DESCRIPTION (People): Numerous, Diverse, Joyful, Thankful (vv.7-12)
3. DECISION (Purpose): Trust and Obey God as we anticipate heaven
28 April 24
Worshiping the Lamb Who Was Slain
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
28 April-24 |Worshiping the Lamb Who Was Slain
Bible Text:
Revelation 5:11-14
Sermon Summary: Last Sunday we have studied about Jesus and His claims regarding His divinity. We were encouraged to center our worship on Him who is worthy of our praise. He deserves “to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise (v.12)! But how can we express this out with practical steps? Today, we will study the substance of our faith and the response to such promises. Are we ready to worship the Lamb Who Was Slain?
1) PRAY: Forgiveness; Favor; Friends
2) PROCLAIM: Word; Wealth; Witness
3) PRAISE: Converted; Committed; Commanded
21 April 24
Worshiping the SAVIOR of All Nations
P. Ferdie Umali
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21 April-24 | Worshiping the SAVIOR of All Nations
Bible Text: Revelation 5:1-10
Sermon Summary:
The “doxologies” in the book of Revelation that we are focusing on in our sermon series this spring season is about expressing worship to God who deserves our praise. In some of the selected passages, we learn that Jesus Christ is the object of such adoration. Is he God? We will be looking at the claims of the Messiah with regards to His deity as recorded in the Gospels. If His claims are true, the worship that is given to Jesus in every generation is praiseworthy. And if, like the Father, He deserves to be worshiped, the right question could be, “How should we worship Him?” In Revelation 5 we will be looking at 2 messages (to be preached on 2 Sundays) on how we can express our worship to Jesus (the Savior of all nations and the Lamb who was slain) the way the personalities in heaven are pictured to worship Him:
A. The POSTURE that We Take. “…fell down before the Lamb” (v.8a)
B. The POSSESSIONS that We Have. “Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense” (v.8b)
C. The PRAISE That We Give. “You are worthy… because you were slain… you have made them to be a kingdom…” (vv. 9-10)
13 April 24
Worshiping Jesus, Our Faithful Witness
P. Narry Santos
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Sunday Text
13 April-24 | Worshiping Jesus, Our Faithful Witness
(Revelation 1:4-8)
Today, we continue our new two-month series on “Sowing Seeds of Hallelujah Love to God” (Worship through Doxologies in Revelation). “Hallelujah” (19:1, 6) is the Hebrew term for “praise the Lord.” Hallelujah love means that the love we show to God leads us to praise Him. As a church, we seek to learn how to worship God together (19:10; 22:9) using the 8 doxologies (i.e., words of giving glory to God) in the Book of Revelation. In the context of this book, there was much suffering (1:9; 12:11), yet there was faithful witness & worship despite the suffering of God’s people. Based on Rev. 1:4-8, how do we worship Jesus, our faithful witness in the midst of pain?
At the greeting of the book, we see God the Father described as “who is, & who was, & is to come” (1:4b, 8; see 4:8; 11:17)—Yahweh, the fuller expression of Exod. 3:14, the Eternal God. Jesus is also described similarly as the “Alpha & Omega” (1:8a, 17b; 21:6; 22:13)—showing eternal & total sovereignty over history—& “who is, & who was, & who is to come, the Almighty” (1:8; “almighty” [all-powerful One] occurs 9x in the book, showing absolute power & control). This framing shows the importance of this quality of God. The expression “from the 7 spirits before the throne” may refer to the Holy Spirit (as seen in the 7-fold Spirit of Isa. 11:2). Let’s focus our mind on our eternal God, despite our temporal existence.
In the middle of the bracket of God’s eternal nature is the doxology centered on Jesus, “the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, & the ruler of the kings of the earth” (1:5, 18; 2:8). Jesus is the perfect witness (Jn. 18:37; 1 Tim. 6:13), the powerful & resurrected Lord & supreme ruler worthy of worship & allegiance (not Caesar). Yet, the doxology emphasizes that this supreme ruler “loves us” & “freed us from our sins by his blood” & “made us to be a kingdom & priests to serve his God & Father” (1:5b-6a), God’s royal priesthood. To Jesus we give “glory & power for ever & ever!” (1:6b). To Jesus we give full allegiance & witness, just as John (1:2, 9), Antipas (2:13b), & other followers of the Lamb (6:9; 12:11; 14:4) did. When Jesus comes back in glory, nations would mourn in sorrowful repentance from sins (Zech. 12:10) or lament over divine judgment (Rev. 18:9). Let’s fix our eyes on Jesus, our faithful witness!
7 April 24
Worshiping our Holy & Worthy God As Creator
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
7 April-24 | Worshiping our Holy & Worthy God as Creator
Revelation 4:1-11
Sermon Outline:
Today, we will start a new series of sermons that will give us a glimpse of what true worship is. John, the human author of the book of Revelation, presents a message with so many pictures of what the future would look like for those who are in Christ and those who will not welcome Him in their lives. Our series of 7 messages will be focused on “Worship through Doxologies in Revelation.” In chapter 4 we see that the key word is “throne” and it is used 4x. In the first 3 verses, we see the Sovereign Ruler on the throne (vv.2-3); the Saints surrounding the throne (vv.4-7); and the Songs before the throne (vv.8-11). In the text that we are focusing on this Sunday in our corporate worship service, we will see the description of the worship that has been expressed:
(1) VISIBLE (vv.8-10a)
(2) VALUABLE (v.10b)
(3) VOCAL (v.11)
APPLY: Let us not stop worshiping God As Creator as we see the things around us that reveal His power and majesty!
31 March-24
Jesus Christ is Risen! So What?
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
31 March-24 | Jesus Christ is Risen! So What?
24 March-24
Finding Hope in our Joy & Sorrow
P. Therren Shelton-Szmidt
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Sunday Text
24 March-24 | Finding Hope in our Joy & Sorrow
17 March-24
Two Men, Two Choices, Two Destinies
Dr. Roy Verzosa
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Sunday Text
17 March-24 | Two Men, Two Choices, Two Destinies
Bible Text: Psalm 1:1-6
Sermon Outline:
A. His Separation (v. 1)
B. His Strength (v. 2)
C. His Stability (v. 3)
A. His Sentence
1. He is Driven
2. He is Denounced
3. He is Denied
4. He is Destroyed
10 March-24
Finding Hope as We Draw Near To God
P. Narry F. Santos
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Sunday Text
10 March-24 | Finding Hope As We Draw Near To God
03 March-24
Finding Hope as Anchor for our Soul
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
03 March-24 | Finding Hope as Anchor for our Soul
25 Feb-24
Finding Hope as We Persevere
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
25 Feb-24 | Finding Hope as We Persevere
Hebrews 6:9-12 This Sunday we will start our new series on “Finding Unwavering Hope” with passages that contain “hope” from the book of Hebrews. God wants us to mature in our spiritual life (6:1-3). He wants us to leave childhood things behind and grow. And He enables us to progress and bear fruit as we submit to Him and obey His words. In our text (6:9-12), there are three things that accompany our true salvation in Christ. 1) Our love for the Lord that will result to helping others (v.10). 2) Our faith on God that He will fulfill His promises until the end of time (v.11). 3) Our diligence as we imitate those who faithfully served Him (v.12).
18 Feb-24
Hope Helps Us See As In A Mirror
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
18 Feb-24 | Hope Helps Us See as In A Mirror
Bible Passage: 1 Corinthians 13:8b-13
Sermon Summary: Tomorrow, we will conclude our mini-series on “Hope and Love: Twin Values for Daily Living” based on 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. As the series title suggests, we as Christ-followers ought to apply or express hope and love “daily.” If love fuels our relationship with God and others, hope fixes our motivation to love. A child of God must focus on heaven to live a life of faith, hope, and love. In verses 8-13, the apostle Paul reminds us that we act like an adult if we have future heaven in mind and warns that we act childish if eternal perspectives are done away with. With selected biblical passages, we will learn three things that a mature Christian can look forward to:
11 Feb-24
Love Always Hopes
P. Narry Santos
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Sunday Text
11 Feb-24 | Love Always Hopes
(1 Cor. 13:1-8a)
Tomorrow, we start a brief 2-part series on “Hope & Love: Twin Values for Daily Living (Brief Chapter Study of 1 Corinthians 13).” We cannot love without hope; we cannot hope without love. This is how love is described in v. 7: “It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres,” Based on 1 Cor. 13:1-8a, we see a contrast of life when love is absent (vv. 1-3), which leads to hopelessness, & when love is present (vv. 4-8a), which leads to hopefulness. How are our lives described when love is absent or present?
Our life is empty & we are nothing (13:1c, 2d, 3c), when we do not have love (13:1b, 2c, 3b), even if we may be the most gifted (13:1a), the most eloquent (13:2a), the most knowledgeable (13:2b), the most faith-filled (13:2c), & the most sacrificial (13:3a) of all. In the 1st century & even in our current time, there are 2 things that bring electrifying admiration on people: (1) eloquence; & (2) excellence. These 2 things may electrify us, but they do not generate eternal value. What really speaks clearly & shows excellence is the way of love (12:31b). Let’s not live a futile life without love for others.
Our life becomes full & we flourish when love is present. Verses 4-8a present a panorama of what life & relationships can be like when we live in love. They paint a picture of love that enriches & edifies through 16 descriptions of love: (1) patient; (2) kind; (3) not envious; (4) not boastful; (5) not proud; (6) not rude; (7) not self-seeking; (not easily angered; (9) not keeping a record of wrong; (10) not delightful of evil; (11) rejoices with truth; (12) always protects; (13) always trusts; (14) always hopes; (15) always perseveres; & (16) never fails. Love does not only enrich & edify people; it also endures (or remains or does not come to an end). Let’s live a flourishing life with love for others.
4 Feb-24
Sinners Forgiving Sinners
Therren Shelton-Szmidt
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Sunday Text
4 Feb-24 | Sinners Forgiving Sinners
Matthew 18:21-35
1. Forgiving sinners is the forgiven sinner’s duty.
2. We are here taught by the Gospel to reflect and imitate God’s mercy to us by being merciful to our debtors (Matt.6:12). 3. What made the Lord forgive us should make us willing to forgive others.
4. If we do not show mercy, we shall have judgment without mercy (James 2:13). If we show mercy we shall obtain mercy (Matt.5:7). 5. We shall reap what we sow; we shall be judged as we have judged others.
28 Jan-24
Putting our Hope in God’s Unfailing Love
P. Narry Santos
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Sunday Text
28 Jan-24 | Putting our Hope in God’s Unfailing Love
Today, we conclude our 3-part series on “Flourishing with Hope in the Lord (Studies on ‘Hope’ in Select Psalms).” Last week, we discussed the need to sow seeds of hope in a world that is increasing in hopelessness. Today, we will focus on the value of putting our hope in God & His unfailing love: “But the eyes of the Lord are… on those whose hope is in his unfailing love” (Psa. 33:18). Based on Psa. 33:12-22, we see a 3-step progression: (1) not this: “vain hope” (33:16-12); (2) but this: real hope (33:18-19); & (3) therefore, we do this: 3 deeds of hope (33:21-22). What does this 3-step progression teach us, so that we can put our hope in God & His unfailing love in 2024? I. BEWARE OF HOLLOW HOPE (33:12-17) Hope comes from the vantage point of God, who forms, sees, & knows all of our hearts (33:12-15). God informs us about the vanity of putting our hope in what does not deliver us from all our mess & misery: “No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save” (33:16-17). Let’s not put our hope in vain human, natural, & material sources of help. II. BE BLESSED WITH HEAVENLY HOPE (33:18-19) Hope happens when we cling to the God who protects (“the eyes of the Lord” [God’s watchful eyes signify His protection for His people; see Psa. 32:8; 34:15]) & who shows “unfailing love” (or covenant loyalty, steadfast love & faithfulness; 33:18). The warrior of God’s people is God Himself, who fights for us (Exod. 14:14; Deut. 1:30; 3:22; 20:4), so that we are truly delivered in life (33:19). Let’s put our hope in God, who loves us & fights for us. III. BREED HEALTHY HABITS OF HOPE (33:20-22) Hope in God is evident in deeds or habits of life: (1) we wait on the Lord who helps & protects us (33:20); (2) we rejoice in the God whom we trust (33:21); & (3) we pray for God’s unfailing love (see 33:5b) to be with us as we hope in God (33:22). These deeds are the results of hope that overflows from the heart. Let us nurture these 3 habits of hope in our God of hope.
21 Jan-24
Putting our Hope in God’s Undying Word
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
21 Jan-24 | Putting our Hope in God’s Undying Word
3. TRUSTING and OBEYING (vv. 85-88): “All your commands are trustworthy.” (v.86a) “…but I have not forsaken your precepts” (v.87b)
7 Jan-24
Reaping a Harvest of Love & Compassion
P. Ferdie Umali
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Sunday Text
7 Jan-24 | Reaping a Harvest of Love & Compassion
Sermon Summary:
Happy New Year to everyone! God has blessed us with so much last year and we are grateful. I personally thank God for all of you who have been a part in any way of the growth and development of GCF Halton. As we look forward to the expressions of His sustaining grace this 2024, may we continue to be sensitive to His working in our midst and unhesitatingly join Him in what He will do for our edification and His exaltation. May we be encouraged by His mighty deeds and the stories we hear from those who are involved in His works.
Tomorrow, we will start the series of messages that will reflect our 2024 theme, “Harvest of Hope: Sowing Seeds of Love and Compassion.” And in the Bible text that we are going to study, we will discover three principles that will not only diagnose life’s real issues and problems but also provide solutions or therapies so we will not suffer the consequences of bad behavior:
1. The CHARACTER of God: God is not mocked (v.7a). It all starts with God because with Him, nothing is impossible.
2. The CHALLENGE to the Church: We reap what we sow (v.7b-8). Sow a seed of love and compassion and we will reap the same.
3. The COMMAND to Focus On: Do good always (vv.9-10). Love and compassion is expressed through giving and sharing.
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Contact & Visiting Info
Worship Service Schedule
Worship Service = 10:30 AM
Sunday School = 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Lunch Fellowship = 12:01 PM – 1:00 PM
Church Location
484 Kerr St., Oakville, ON L6K3C5
Phone & Email
(647) 979-4243 (Call & Text- Ferdie)
(647) 891-9748 (Text only – Jiena)